Well That Took Awhile…

tying shoes

I wrote my first post on July 31st…. and only figured out TODAY, on December 11th (only 4.5 months later), how to actually launch my site so that people can see it. wtf. OK, so I’ve been busy with school and all my free time has been going towards writing papers for my Doctorate, which I am scheduled to finish in April 2019. I’m very, very close to being a doctor. That seems totally surreal to me.

Dr LaMora at Iron Man

I’ve pretty much been 100% immersed in Chinese medicine for the past 4 months, between taking online classes, teaching at the school and running my acupuncture practice in Macedon, NY.  You’d think I’d be better at speaking Chinese by now.  I’m not.  Oh well.  I do really love Chinese medicine, and what it does for people, and am grateful EVERY SINGLE DAY for having found what I consider to be “my calling”.  I never cease to be energized when I leave my practice at the end of day, never wake up dreading having to go to work on Monday, and never run out at the end of a day thankful to be done.  I truly love treating patients with acupuncture & Chinese medicine.

But I won’t lie.  I have a short attention span and I need to mix things up or I start getting restless.  If I am not continuing to challenge myself, I feel like I will stagnate.  So while my work challenges my mind, I like the physical piece too.  Hence why my family and friends watch me continue to embark on crazy adventures which usually involve my second love: physically moving and challenging my body in all different ways..  hiking, triathlon”ing” (not really a word, I know – swimming, cycling and running), yoga, new workout routines and diets..  those who know me know I’m always trying something new and, possibly, borderline crazy.  LOL.  My husband, Matt, shares some of my craziness, but sometimes I have to go it alone.  My favorite, by far, is competing in triathlons.  I have done a handful a sprint tris, two half Ironman triathlons and I REALLY REALLY want to go for a full Ironman distance, but I am pretty terrified..  all the more reason to do it…  I just need to take the leap and sign up.  I’m teetering on the edge right now as I seriously consider signing up for a race in Cozumel, Mexico  in November of 2019.  This is what happens when I’m no longer thinking about my classes and my brain has more time to process other things.  🙂 


96 Days of Cod Liver Oil


Is your breathing “disordered”???