How I Lost 40lbs after 40
The Annoying “Anxiety”
I haven’t written in my blog in awhile, I’ll admit. I’m actually writing an entire book on women’s health. I really hope to have it published – or at least completed and in process – by spring of 2021. So I have been putting much of my writing energy into that.
All Good Things Must Come to an End?
Isn’t that how the saying goes?
As I begin to see, feel and smell the onset of fall in Western New York, I reflect on another summer coming to end in Western New York, and it reminds me that another wonderful thing in my life will also soon be coming to an end.
The Scoop on Chinese Herbal Medicine
What is Chinese herbal medicine?
Herbal medicine is the use of non-chemically altered, naturally occurring substances to assist in achieving and maintaining health. The term “herbs” most often refers to plants, but sometimes includes minerals, insect and animal products.
Get With the Seasons!
Reconnect with the environment to achieve optimal health throughout the year.
The Treatment of Shoveling and Slip and Fall Injuries (and Other Muscle Sprains/Strains)
What’s that prescription for?
Why you should know what you are taking and why.
96 Days of Cod Liver Oil
Doing what’s best for yourself can often be unpleasant….
Well That Took Awhile…
wrote my first post on July 31st….
Is your breathing “disordered”???
Have you ever thought that something you do, completely involuntarily and without thinking about, might be considered “disordered”??
Embarking on a New Adventure…
It’s always been a goal of mine to write a book…