Spring Flowers
In Chinese Medicine theory, each season is associated with an organ system, meaning that the organ system is the one more affected by the seasonal transition.
Springtime is associated with the LIVER, so you will likely notice an increase in symptoms associated with liver imbalances during this seasonal transition time.
Symptoms of liver imbalance include:
Neck & shoulder pain
Migraines & vertigo
Sinus pressure & runny/stuffy noses
Hot flashes
Menstrual irregularities
Things you can do to help your liver during this time:
Get extra rest/sleep
Reduce stress where possible
Reduce intake of alcohol and drugs (you may be tempted to take more of these things to combat your discomforts, but this is actually adding more stress to your liver)
Get outside in the great outdoors
Take a few minutes a day to focus on abdominal breathing